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Summer Update

Summer Update


Lauren Fairley


9 August 2023

Summer is here – not that the weather would particularly let you believe that!  The past few months have charged along at a fast pace, with intensive concept and development design happening across a number of live projects.  The team have spent a lot of time refining, reviewing and musing over endless samples to get that finish just right together with a (very, very wet!) fundraiser in aid of the Great North Air Ambulance service.  Read on for sneak preview of some of our on-site and up and coming work

Yarm School

We have been working alongside our long standing clients, Yarm School, on a series of improvements across their campus.  The first project involves the design for the fit out of an existing senior library to breathe new life into the space and expand book storage capacity. 

The second project centres on designing a welcoming reception area and an innovative learning resource centre (LRC) within the new prep school building.

The final project involves a refresh of the existing prep school building to bring it up to date with the adjacent new block.   After months of planning the projects are now on site and are due for completion over the coming months. 

Lake Ullswater 20 mile walk

The team braved the wettest, windiest day of summer to undertake a sponsored twenty mile hike around Lake Ullswater in aid of the Great North Air Ambulance (GNAA).The group set off into the torrential rain at 8am, armed with waterproofs and hiking boots and the team mascot Oliver Dog in tow.   In a remarkable display of determination, they battled against the downpours all day long, completing the twentieth mile at 7pm – soaked through but spirits still high.

We are delighted to have exceeded our target, raising a total of £1,683 for the charity who are dedicated to providing vital emergency medical care to those in remote, inaccessible areas. A huge thank you to all those who generously donated; we really appreciate the support in making this such a worthwhile day.

Zentia Customer Innovation Hub

We have been working closely with our client, Zentia, a leading ceiling manufacturer, on the refurb of their current office spaces to provide a new Customer Innovation Hub located in Team Valley, Newcastle.  The new design includes several key improvements, such as creating a showroom space to welcome customers and showcase Zentia’s product range, a dedicated space for a design studio, upgrading customer meeting rooms, remodelling existing toilets and providing a new modern reception area which reflects their brand. 

Additionally, we are currently preparing design options to refurbish Zentia’s Head Office to create a modern reception area, relocation of the security office, provision of new meeting / induction rooms as well as improved staff and visitor facilities.  Of course, the ceiling specification for this entire project has been determined in close collaboration with Zentia themselves! The Customer Innovation Hub project is currently on site; watch this space for views of the completed scheme and progression of their Head Office over the coming months. 

Workwell furniture exhibition 

In June Ward Robinson Design and Workwell joined forces to hold a two week furniture exhibition at Cooper’s Studios, and what a success it was!

We would like to thank everyone that came to visit, used the furniture, those that held talks throughout the weeks and to everyone who came to our networking event to conclude a hugely successful two week exhibition showcasing some amazing pieces.

We would like to thank everyone that came to visit, used the furniture, those that held talks throughout the weeks and to everyone who came to our networking event to conclude a hugely successful two week exhibition showcasing some amazing pieces.