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Autumn Update from Ward Robinson

Autumn Update from Ward Robinson


Wriggle Marketing


12 September 2017

Expansion into Hong Kong

For the last six months, we have been working closely with the Ryder Architecture team in their Hong Kong office, providing specialist interior design input on their Kowloon East Regional Headquarters project.

Building on both this excellent relationship and the combination of skills, we are delighted to announce our joint venture with Ryder Hong Kong Interiors to provide specialist interior design services in the Hong Kong market, with particular focus on office design and fitting out works. We join Ryder’s thriving office in Hong Kong with resident designers.

Brian Taylor is leading the line from our side and he will be clocking up the air miles during the first few months as we consolidate and expand our current presence in this exciting city and its buoyant market.

Luxury Living at Longhirst Hall

Ward Robinson was commissioned to design the interiors of these new luxury homes at Longhirst Hall in Morpeth by Durham based developer Dere Street Homes. The grade II listed building, designed by John Dobson and described as one of his finest works, has been divided to create four stunning properties.

True Potential…fully achieved

With the installation of the entrance gateway, the final phase of the extension of True Potential’s office is now complete. The 35,000 sq ft office space includes a business lounge and training centre.

Four years after creating their initial office space, we were invited to design True Potential’s enlarged offices, required to accommodate their meteoric growth and bring their two office bases together with a consistent brand aesthetic. We developed a scheme that meets the needs of high-profile visiting brokers as well as their young, dynamic team and reflects True Potential’s ethos – ‘Simple, Effective, Unique’.

‘Word Up!’ –  World Architecture Festival

Congratulations to FaulknerBrowns Architects for their stunning multi award-winning design for The Word which has now been shortlisted for the World Architecture Festival awards. 

Ward Robinson were project manager for the building, phase 1 of the South Shields 365 redevelopment, for Muse Developments. We continue with Muse with the second phase, the Transport Interchange, with start on site for that planned for first quarter 2018.